Please use a controller, playing difficult platformers with a keyboard just doesn't really work.

FUSION was made for a game jam with the theme "Void" and is a game about a void being trying to find a light being so they can collide  and neutralize each other.

I used the Wildcard "What's this?" in my game.

If you're struggling to find it, here's a tip: it has something to do with the number of this month's GWJ.  ;)

The easter egg unlocks another mode, so if you really can't find it but want to know where it's hidden, here is a link to a playthrough / speedrun that abuses this mode. I also uploaded a normal playthrough / speedrun which you can watch here.

If you wanna speedrun the game yourself, here's a tip: you can press the RB button or R key to restart the entire game immediatly, which speeds up things significantly.

Since you can only see the credits when you beat the game, I'll list them here again:

Made for GWJ #69 (nice)


Fusion for 53 MB
Fusion for 74 MB
Fusion for 50 MB

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